Bacon Bits

Lately I’ve been coming across a disproportionate amount of stories and pictures about bacon. Normally it wouldn’t make an impression on me, but my friend David is sometimes affectionately called bacon. So in honor of David:

10 Ways to Eat More Bacon

Fried Bacon

Bacon Briefcase

Everything’s Better with Bacon

Bacon iPhone Case

Candied Bacon

I <heart> bacon

Obligatory wiki entry

Do you have any bacon links to share?

Edit: More bacon


Bacon hater

Goat + Bacon + Ron Paul

Bacon Mints

Bacon Weave

Bacon wrapped bacon

Bacon Dispenser

Wall of Bacon

Bacon Races

Bacon Flavored Jelly Beans

Bacon Man

Bacon Bra

4 responses to “Bacon Bits”

  1. JVP says:

    Gotta post comedian Jim Gaffigan talking about bacon:

  2. Jamie says:

    Jim Gaffigan rocks. That was a pretty good bacon bit (pardon the pun). Of course, there was a bacon advertisement on the page — it was for bacon salt.

  3. Mom Anita says:

    Jamie, I don’t have any bacon bits to share with you, but I think when you get back home to Walton you should try to make those bacon chocolate chip cookies!
    ONLY KIDDING……..please don’t bring them for Thanksgiving!!

  4. Pat Wendler says:

    How about the Bacon Brothers?