Category: General


I’ve been trying to get Ali to go and hang out at McDonald’s with me for a few weeks now. She finally gave in and we were there on Saturday when I saw a young girl jump out of a minivan; arms full of McDonald’s debris. The car was in the drive through line. I guess they were just makin’ room.

– Jamie @ 8:44 PM on Nov 17, 2008
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Working Out

I’ve been with the same company for over twelve years. Just over five years ago I started telecommuting when Ali and I moved to New York (state). The first 15 months I rented office space because there was no high speed Internet available where we lived. Other than not having personal interactions with people, things weren’t much different. Eventually we moved to a place where high speed Internet was available. My commute changed from driving 10 miles to my office to walking up a flight of stairs. That was about four years ago.

Back in June I went to Portland to visit a friend. One of Adam’s things is working from a cafe a couple of times a week. All of the cafes in Portland are setup with free wireless Internet, free power, … Read More »

– Jamie @ 12:31 PM on Nov 16, 2008

Gaining Weight

Big chocolate chip cookie, I wish I knew how to quit you.

– Jamie @ 12:03 PM on Nov 15, 2008
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Taylor Made

About a year ago I decided (and successfully convinced Ali) that collecting guitars and holding them as assets would be a good thing. The agreement that we settled on is that I can buy one instrument, uh I mean asset a year. I also got her to agree that my first purchase would count against 2007 even if it occurred in 2008 — quite a coup!

My first purchase came in March. I had wanted a hollow bodied guitar ever since I played around with one that John Jetmore had. I think he picked it up from a boutique dealer in Louisville. I was talking to “Uncle” Kenny about them at Thanksgiving and he turned me onto the Gibson ES-335, which is a semi-hollow body. I was really keen on one I found online which … Read More »

– Jamie @ 12:46 PM on Nov 14, 2008

Rafting on the Ocoee by Ali

So Jamie and I went white water rafting on the Ocoee River in north Georgia the beginning of August. This was not a trip I was looking forward to. Any time I have seen white water rafting on TV I have thought to myself, “I will never do that”. But, Jamie wanted to go so I was trying to be a sport about it. How could anyone enjoy 4 hours of the log flume ride at Great Adventure?

After I agreed, I checked out the website. We were doing the combo trip (whew hew – the long version). The trip included class III and IV rapids including the Olympic course. How could a first time rafter possibly survive the Olympic course? I tried not to think about it as the day drew nearer. … Read More »

– ali @ 8:46 AM on Aug 7, 2008