Category: General
Walton Warriors
Across the street from the booth I usually occupy at McDonald’s, I’ve noticed three signs on a telephone pole: “CLEAR EYES” “FULL HEARTS” “CAN’T LOSE”
We may not be in West Texas, but listening to people talk around here you get the impression football is every bit as important.
The Warriors’ championship bid ended prematurely a couple of weekends ago, and just a few days later the signs were gone.
I’m not one to really follow sports, but I did like the imagery of the signs. I am a fan of Friday Night Lights, and maybe this is more a testament to the way the show is shot. The same stark contrast I see in the show, I can see in Walton when I look out the window. Maybe that is just what the show intends; that everyone can see … Read More »
Apple’s Coming Around
Way back in 2006, I wrote (here and here) about Apple’s stance on viruses for the Mac.
It seems they are starting to come around.
I guess I spoke too soon. It appears Apple has pulled the tech note. They also released this statement:
The Mac is designed with built-in technologies that provide protection against malicious software and security threats right out of the box.
Decision Averse
Just before the turn of the century, I moved into management at work. Shortly thereafter I found myself becoming decision averse in my personal life. I think this drove/drives Ali crazy (though over the last year I’ve been getting better).
I would still make decision for work because, “that’s what they pay me for,” but when it wasn’t required, I would avoid making a decision like the plague.
All of this is to say — I was sitting in the Cincinnati airport eating lunch when a mother and son came in, and sat at the table across from me. It dawned on me as I was watching the mom order for her son that the number of decision you have to make must increase exponentially once you have children.
Therefore, this is reason #28 why I/we don’t intend to have … Read More »
Joe & Tonya
This is just a quick note to say congratulations to Joe and Tonya — Congratulations! — and to share a few pictures from the occasion.
Bacon Bits
Lately I’ve been coming across a disproportionate amount of stories and pictures about bacon. Normally it wouldn’t make an impression on me, but my friend David is sometimes affectionately called bacon. So in honor of David:
10 Ways to Eat More Bacon
Fried Bacon
Bacon Briefcase
Everything’s Better with Bacon
Bacon iPhone Case
Candied Bacon
I <heart> bacon
Obligatory wiki entry
Do you have any bacon links to share?
Edit: More bacon
Bacon hater
Goat + Bacon + Ron Paul
Bacon Mints
Bacon Weave
Bacon wrapped bacon
Bacon Dispenser
Wall of Bacon
Bacon Races
Bacon Flavored Jelly Beans
Bacon Man
Bacon Bra